Why are my Emails Going to Junk?

Reasons and Solutions to Avoid Getting Flagged The scenario: you sent an email to someone, but they report back that it went to their Junk folder rather than their Inbox. Why?There are many reasons for the spam filters of the other end to move your legitimate email into the receiver’s Junk folder. Here are some…

ARTICLE: Windows 7 – The End is Near

Each version of Microsoft Windows has two end dates: the date when it stops providing any new features or enhancements (“mainstream support”) and the date when it stops providing any bug or security fixes (“extended support”). Historically, the support lifecycle of each Windows operating system is about 10 years, with mainstream support ending 5 years…

ARTICLE: Popup Scammers’ Plan of Attack

More common to encounter than viruses these days are scammers; they’re not interested in infecting or damaging your PC, but in taking your money.  There’s a typical plan of attack scammers follow, and the sooner you realize it’s a scam the less costly damage control will be. STEP 1: Getting You to Call Them (fearmongering…

ARTICLE: Death by Password

How to make memorable AND unique passwords for all your accounts People being people, many of us use the same passwords for many of our online accounts. Many security experts recommend different codes for each one, from online bank accounts, social media, and email addresses. Although this is the ideal, it’s hard to execute in…